Help the pigs

Spring 2011

A piglet gift to someone in December becomes a phone call to Pigs Peace Sanctuary to take the pig in January!!

How many times do people impulsively buy a piglet as a gift only to have it "not work out" weeks later. The calls come daily. Our waiting list is long. Many assume we could just take one more, not realizing the commitment of time and resources already spread thin. It is very frustrating.

We cannot be the easy out for all requests.

Clementine was sold as a "mini" pig yet at one year of age she is over 200 lb..!!

Today it is not unusual for a breeder to sell a tiny infant piglet for top dollar and the promise that it's a mini when in reality the pig will grow to 150 plus pounds when full grown.



Clementine checks out
the new feeding platform

Clementine explores the meadow.

Clementine in the pasture